16 KG payload drone
Operation: 2 operators - 1: drone operator, 2: cam operator
ROC: ROC with RPA-L. More Info
Camera: RED camera's, Sony FX series, Sony Venice, Arri Alexa (LF)
Equipment:(10*) TB50 battery with DTAP, Movi controller (with FIZ control), FIZ motor,(6*) Tattu plus 16000mAh, Futaba controller, Freefly movi Ring Pro, Freefly Junk in The Trunk, Movi pro LANC Serial Cable, Freefly FRX Pro, Amimon, Connex HD, Freefly movi Pro, Freefly cargo landing gear
Camera equipment: Arri mini, Arri LF, Sony FX6, RED Comodo
Lens equipment: Arri mini, Arri LF
Freefly Movi Pro, Freefly cargo
60mph (95km/h)
Visual Line of Sight
15min (based on payload)
Arri alexa mini (lf), Sony FX, RED